Resolve Disputes

The Arizona Association of REALTORS®, a voluntary trade association, lacks jurisdiction over an individual’s real estate license which is issued by and held with the Arizona Department of Real Estate. Furthermore, the Arizona REALTORS® ethics complaint process cannot provide you with monetary relief. If you believe that a real estate licensee has violated Arizona real estate statutes or the Arizona Administrative Code, you may file a complaint with the Department of Real Estate as alleged violations of Arizona law are reviewed, investigated, and processed through the Department’s Enforcement and Compliance Division.
Only members of the Arizona Association of REALTORS® are under the jurisdiction of the REALTORS® ethics enforcement program. If your dispute is with a real estate professional who is not a REALTOR®, options may include contacting the Arizona real estate licensing authority.
Before filing a complaint, consider using an Ombudsman. Over three-quarters of all Ombudsman cases are successfully resolved without cost and with only a simple, one-page form to complete.